Wednesday, February 23, 2011

February 27, 2011: Gospel Reflection II

Reflection/Discussion Questions:
-Do I believe that God is going to take care of me no matter what? 
-What experiences have reinforced that belief for me?
-How can I learn to trust God more this week?
-What are some of the things that I worry about the most?
-How is God asking me to let Him be in control of that worry?

1a.This week find something in nature that shows the beauty of God’s creation . Allow that beauty to be a reminder of God’s power and love for you.
1b.This week find a quality in yourself that reminds you that you are made and loved by God. 

2. When you take some time for prayer this week allow the palms of your hands to be open facing upward to God imitating your openness to allowing God to be in control of those things that we would prefer to control.

1 comment:

Nick said...

a shout out to all the Apple owners for the revised pic!