Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Sunday Gospel Reflection: April 24th 2011

St. Augustine (4th cent.) said that “we are an Easter people and our song is Alleluia”. There seems to be little value in re-telling or explaining the story. We know the story. Suffered. Died. Buried. Gone? Resurrection?! Alleluia!

The question that each of us are invited to reflect on is this: What difference does it make in my life? Jesus physically rose from the dead 2000 years ago (how? No one knows!) and we believe is still alive with the Father in heaven. So what effect does that have in our busy and important lives in 2011?

The Resurrection of Jesus gives us hope that His resurrection is our resurrection.

The Christian life is about finding room in our hearts for Jesus (sometimes this means getting rid of stuff-addictions, pride, bitterness, etc.-to fit Him in). In our lives we experience little deaths and little resurrections daily. When we live as Jesus lived, to allow him to dwell in us, we are able to make him present in our lives; this is most visibly true when we celebrate and receive the Eucharist at Mass. Jesus’ presence in us can bring us comfort and strength and allow us to bring others his healing and love. When we allow Jesus to live within us we have the chance to transform the world around us!

The cross doesn’t go away because we celebrate Easter and the Alleluia shouldn’t go away when we face struggles. May we be a people of hope who do not lose faith in a God who loves us or a Church that is guided by the Holy Spirit no matter what people (from without or within) do or say to the contrary! Love wins.

“O, death, where is your sting? O, hell, where is your victory? O Church, come stand in the light. Our God is not dead he’s alive. He’s alive!” (Christ is Risen, Matt Maher…see below)

Reflection/Discussion Questions:
-Do you believe that Jesus actually rose from the dead?
-What could be the difference in how a person lives their life if they believed that? (as opposed to a person who doesn’t)
-How can you create space for Jesus to dwell in you this week?
-What is one way you can bring God’s love to someone who is in need of love?

Bulletin 2.0

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